GS Report on 14th Annual General Meeting of OBA SSG held on 12th Feb 2012.

General Secretary’s Report

Old Boys Association, Sainik School Goalpara

14th Annual General Meeting.

12th Feb 2012 : Shilpgram, Guwahati.

Esteemed Members,

Welcome to the 14th Annual General Meeting of Old Boys Association, Sainik School Goalpara (OBASSG).

It is a pleasure and honour to invite you all to review the activities carried out by Old Boys Association, Sainik School Goalpara (OBA SSG). As the General Secretary of OBASSG I, on behalf of the Executive Committee, OBASSG would like to take this privilege to report another year of progress in this 14th Annual General Meeting of the Association; the events and activities carried out from 20th Feb 201 1 to 12th Feb 2012.

Engaging the Alumni:

Meetings/ Events:

We have had five (5) Executive Committee Meetings in the past year. The active participation of the members has helped in both the monitoring and evaluation of the activities of the association. Executive Meetings hves been a source of inspiration and path finder on many occasions. We take this opportunity to offer our sincere gratitude to all the members of the Executive Committee for their whole hearted support, time and concern.

Chapter Events:

Sun has risen in the West!!!!

This year the much awaited OBA SSG West India Chapter has been formed with the initiative of all the members. Finally the tireless efforts and hopes put up by Pranab Saloi, Kuldeep Roy, Utpal Barman, Rajeev Singha, Sankar Dutta and many more have finally resulted in formation of OBASSG West India Chapter on the 23rd July 2011 at Pune. We look forward to having more such chapters in most of the cities across India, as well as abroad.

The Bridge 2012 also includes reports from our Bangalore Chapter, Nagaland Chapter. We will have reports from our other vibrant chapters also in the future issues of Bridge.

MIG 21:

We are very happy to announce that a MIG 21 aircraft has been installed at the School at the initiative of one of our alumni, Air Marshal Anjan Gogoi. We also proudly announced that the OBA has coordinated a drive for raising a fund for building the platform for the MIG 21. We thank all who contributed.

Medical & Health Camps:

OBA has organized one (1) medical and health camp at Bherua High School Campus under Mangaldoi where all together over 500 beneficiaries were given free quality medicine and health check-up by medical professionals of our association. Amar Kakati (1342), Diganta Das (1444), Advocate Masidur Islam (1439), Loken Das (1704), Ramkrishna Hazarika (1728), Jagadish Nath (2030) deserve a special mention for taking all the pain to organize these camps. We offer our sincere thanks to the participating doctors, specially, Dr Ramesh Goswami (712), Dr Munin Chamua (914), Dr. Karuna Barman (1083), Dr Tapan Das and Dr Sarma (well wishers).

OBA also supported a medical camp organized by NABARD and initiated by Satyendra Nath Roy (1226) at a village adopted by NABARD at Simlabari, Goalpara. Dr Natyabir Das (1379) & Janardan Deka from OBA supported the cause.

Blood Donation Camp by OBA:

Like the previous years, this year too, to commemorate the celebration of Independence Day, OBA had organized a Blood Donation Camp at Dr. B. Baruah Cancer Institute by its members. The camp was successfully conducted with OBA members donating 34 units of blood to the institution. I take this previledge to extend my sincere gratitude to the members who made it to the event despite their busy schedule for this noble cause and making the event a grand success.

Recognising Excellence:

Felicitation Programme, 18th June 2011:

Executive Committee has felicitated 12 promising children of OBA Members who have excelled in their Board Examinations. The achievers were rewarded with a Certificate, a gift and felicitated with a phulam gamosha in a small function organized at the R J Educational Trust in the presence of their proud parents. We take this privilege to congratulate the proud parents whose children have done exceedingly well in the Board Exams 2011. Ratul Borah (920) deserves a special mention for taking all the pain in organizing this fantastic event successfully. I would like to request our members to mail such success stories immediately to to avoid any inadvertent dropping of names.

2nd Manash Borah Memorial Inter College Debate Competition:

OBASSG, in collaboration with Manas Borah Memorial Trust, has successfully organized the 2nd Manash Borah Inter College All Assam Debate Competition at ITA Complex, Machkhowa on 31st May 2011. The Competition witnessed quality debate on the topic “Introduction of Lokpal Bill will stop corruption in India”. While Ibu Sanjib Garg of Centrum Learning College stood 1st in the individual section, and the Best Debate Team Trophy was won by Assam University, Silchar represented by Madhumita Acharjya & Nilotpal Bhattacharjee. The generosity displayed by Dr. Shahnaaz Rahman (Naz Bou) Chairperson, Manas Borah Memorial Trust in organising the event is praiseworthy. We look forward to organizing more such events in collaboration with Manash Borah Memorial Trust.

Serving the Alma Mater:

Hike in scholarship for cadets joining SSG:

One of the prime agenda item of priority list of OBASSG was to enhance the scholarship to the cadets by the Govt. of Assam. This year the cause initiated by the school long back has been well supported by the OBA and the scholarship has been hiked to Rs. 30,000.00 (Rupees Thirty Thousand) from Rs. 12,750.00 (Rupees Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty only). The guidance and help extended by our President Shri Subhash Das, IAS made the task easier while support from Shri Himangshu S. Das, IAS, Principal Secretary, Finance (Budget), Govt. of Assam paved the way for easy execution. We take the privilege to offer our sincere gratitude to both of them.

Extending support to school for BSNL facilities and setting up of an Exchange within the school campus:

I take this privilege to offer our sincere thanks to alumna Shri Pankaj Das, ITS (1263), Adl. GM, BSNL for taking the initiative in providing the extended facilities of BSNL which is in the pipeline. I am sure the task will be completed soon with consistent support and help from him. Principal, Sainik School has already agreed to provide the required space and support for the facilities.

Old Boys Meet 2011at SSG on 12th Nov 2011:

Old Boys Meet 2011 at our alma mater had attracted 105 alumni to the campus on the 12th Nov, most of them accompanied by their families. Even the rains could not play spoil sport as the spirit of alumni’s soared as many donned the boots for a friendly football match finally defeating the school team 2-0. Capt (IN) Ravi Sankar, Principal of the school gave a befitting warm welcome to the alumni. Shri Santanu Thakur, IAS and alumni of the school presided as the Chief Guest. While revisiting Alma Meta many of the members have rediscovered themselves as the same naughty boy and relived and replayed those moments, spent in the school, which is still most cherished and remembered.

Spreading the words:

Souvenir, Bridge 2012:

The commemorative souvenir of OBASSG Bridge 2012 emphasizes the forthcoming Golden Jubilee Celebration of Sainik School Goalpara. The year 2013 has been recognized as the Launching Year for Golden Jubilee Celebration and hence the cover and the theme of Bridge 2012 is Golden Jubilee Celebration of our alma mater. It also highlights the activities undertaken by the OBASSG in the form of photo gallery. We would like to congratulate the Editorial Team of the Bridge 2012 led by Convenor Gp Cpt (Retd) Debananda Gohain, Jagadish Nath, Dr Abhigyan Prasad for timely intervention and bringing out the souvenir. We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to the owner and the staff of Top Printers.

OBA Member Directory 2012:

This year we have published the Member Directory Book 2012 and efforts were made to include as many members as possible. It is a continuous process of processing the data and updating of information. We would like to put on record our heartfelt gratitude to the convenor Col (Retd) Pankaj Rajkhowa (2) for his relentless effort in bringing the issue with maximum updated information. We take this privilege to acknowledge with thanks, the gesture shown by Jayanta Sarma (3243) to print the Directory on behalf of OBA. We also thank Bharadwaj Gogoi (3165) for the Address Book CD.

Marching ahead:

SSG Golden Jubilee Celebration:

The celebration of Golden Jubilee of any institution is a great event in the history of that institution. I take proud privilege in sharing with you that Sainik School Goalpara, our Alma-Mater, will turn 50 in the year 2014. The school started its journey at a temporary site at Goalpara Town in the year 1964 with a few students and fewer faculty and has progressed ahead triumphantly to attain the position of Institute of National Importance. Today the institute has an alumni of about 5,000 (Five Thousand) besides a large contingent of staff. During this journey the alumni of the Sainik School Goalpara have risen to great heights and brought laurels to it. The school enjoys a brand name which is envied by many and all this is because of its alumni, working hard with unmatched sincerity and with integrity, all over the globe and across all disciplines.

The school shall be entering into the Golden Jubilee Year on 12th Nov 2013. It has been decided to celebrate the Golden Jubilee year starting from Nov 12, 2013 and run up to 12th Nov 2014. It is being contemplated that the yearlong celebration shall be full of activities of varied nature like national conventions, various technical seminars, conferences, student meets, quiz programs, show case programs, open house, special newsletter, cultural programs are a few to name. We would request our members to register and visit the alumni site and keep them updated about the events and programmes.

I take this opportunity in welcoming you, and request you that whichever city you are throughout the globe you should start OBA SSG chapter and link it with the Central Committee and our Alma mater. You are requested to plan a few activities at that center and also some for the school to be carried out during the yearlong celebrations. Please suggest any activity in the field of your work/interest or that may be of interest to you and your alumni friends. You may share some of the photographs also which can be quite a valuable treasure for all SSGians.

More importantly, we as the alumni association would like to play an important role in planning for taking this school to greater heights in the times to come, I earnestly urge you to join the Golden Jubilee Celebration by registering yourself through website of SSG Golden Jubilee Site which is in the pipeline, initiated by the school authority. I take this opportunity to thank our present principal Capt (IN) Ravi Sankar for taking all the initiative for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations already and setting the ball rolling. Kindly communicate the ways you would like to get associated with the celebrations. I take this privilege to mention the OBA SSG’s participation in the Golden Jubilee Celebrations by way of constructing the Golden Jubilee Gate with matching walls of 20 feet on both sides of the gate, erecting a War Memorial like structure and a raised Bronze bust of the 1st Principal of the School in front of the school auditorium. Entire programme would be flawlessly chalked out with prior and proper consultation with the school authority.

Last year the drive to generate fund for celebration of Golden Jubilee Celebration was initiated in the 13th Annual General Meeting held on 19th Feb 2011. To cater to the need for fund management and as advised by the honourable members, a separate CC Account has been opened in the State Bank of India, Six Mile Branch vide account Number 32161437121. Now members can send their contribution through cheque in favour of OBA SSG (Golden Jubilee Celebration).

We earnestly appeal to you all to come forward with your generous contributions to complete the Golden Jubilee Celebration in the best possible way. Let the celebration be of unmatched magnitude. We look forward to your co-operation.


New job, more responsibility, more workload on professional front for most of us has affected the fund rising for the event. Treasure’s report will highlight the financial propositions.

We would like to make a special mention here about the silent contribution of our member Diganta Barooah (871) and Amar Jyoti Kakati (1342) who have been kind and generous enough to support us continuously for last couple of years. Girija Barman (1438) has stroked it again in fund raising to be mentioned. I shall be committing a gross mistake if I do not thank all who have helped some way or the other in this front and whose names are inadvertently been left out. Anowar Hussain Saikia (438), Anil Sarma (439), Cdr (Retd) R Z Bora (Prince) (761) and Diganta Das (1444)’s role as the Crisis Management Mangers for 14th AGM is well appreciated.

We would like to take the privilege to offer our sincere gratitude to all the sponsors of the 14th AGM without whose contribution, it was impossible to translate this event in to reality.

Future programmes:

OBA has initiated the process to acquire a plot of land of its own at Guwahati which has already received Land Advisory Committee’s approval. The approval from the Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) is over. We are awaiting the Cabinets Approval for the plot of land which is not far behind. We are sure that the Govt. of Assam will accord necessary approval for this noble cause. We take this privilege to offer our sincere gratitude to the alumni and Senior Architect of PWS (Building) Digambar Das/ 540 for providing design and site layout of our Project Proposal

I extend my sincere thanks to:

First and fore most, let me thank you all for the support you have given to us by participating in the events that we have organized. I would also like to thank our members who have turned up for the event from the every nook and corner of India.

I on personal behalf would like to thank esteemed members of the Executive Committee for their relentless and whole hearted support in every possible way.

My special thanks to Ratul Bora, Girija Barman, Diganta Das, Masidur Islam, Runjun Gogoi, Jagadish Nath, Abhijyan Prasad, Bhaskar Gogoi, Jayanta Sarma for being in the forefront at all of our events.

Tribute to the legendary Dr Bhupen Hazarika, Indira Goswami and mentor B. C. Das sir:

OBA SSG has paid tribute to the legendary Dr Bhupen Hazarika, Ex-teachers Indira Goswami baideu and B C Das sir. This year our dear members Col Naba Sarma, Ramananda Chaudhury, Jayanta Pegu, Subrata Das, Subimal Sarma has left us for heavenly abode for eternal peace. We offer our prayer for the departed souls. May their souls rest in peace. At the same time, we tender our sincere apologies if any name has been left out because of lack of information.


No matter how distance and our professions have separated us today, the bond we share by being SSGian will remain forever.

Long Live the Spirit of SSG. Long Live OBA SSG

Thank you.

(Diganta Gogoi)

General Secretary, 1282/Lachit,
Old Boys Association, Sainik School Goalpara. E: +91-9435047990